קישורים לכתבי עת
רשימת כתבי עת אקדמיים העוסקים בחקר האינטרנט מהיבטים שונים
- The Internet and Higher Education
- The Filter
- SIMILE: Studies in Media & Information Literacy Education
- Postmodern Culture
- Pew Internet and American Life Project
- Informatics for Health and Social Care
- Journal of Technology in Human Service
- Journal of Medical Internet Research
- Journal of Computer Mediated Communication JCMC
- JDIM: Journal of Digital Information Management
- JALN: Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks
- International Journal of Information Ethics
- International Journal on E-Learning (Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Educatio)
- International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC)
- Internet Research
- Interface: The Journal of Education,Community and Values, Burgland Center for Internet Studies
- Information Research
- First Monday: A Peer-Reviewed Journal on the Internet
- FibrecultureJournal
- Enculturation
- CyberPsychology and Behavior
- CTheory
- Crossings: Electronic Journal of Art and Technology
- Behavior and Information Technology journal
- American Society for Information Science and Technology
- American Communication Journal